Tag Archives: Law Of Attraction

Principles of Manifestation: Everything is Energy.

9 Jul

Everything in the universe consists of energy. This includes not only your own body but the chair you are sitting in and the ground you walk upon. Even the empty space that exists between you and all other things that are “not you” is full of energy, for space is merely a different form among the many forms that exist within our three dimensional world. Continue reading

Global Ascension: The Great Awakening

17 Apr

We Create Our Own Reality

My teacher, Lazaris, has always taught us that we create our own reality. A Course In Miracles teaches much the same thing. The channeled being Abraham also indicates that we attract life experience, as does the channeled ET Bashar. In fact, I don’t know of any evolved spiritual teacher who denies this fact or encourages us to believe that we are victims of a world that we did not create.

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Spiritual Growth: The Problem of Self-Deception

15 Feb

We Create Every Instant of Our Lives    

    A Course In Miracles teaches that there are but two emotions: love and fear. Fear, being legion, has many forms, “for the content of individual illusions differs greatly. These illusions are made up of sights that are not seen, and sounds that are not heard…In this world their maker moves alone, for only he perceives them." Each one peoples his world with “strange and shadowy figures from his individual past” and though they seem real, they are not, for “there is no world“, only a consciousness that projects what is not desired within outside itself, to wrestle with, blame and attack.  (T 231)

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Global Ascension: The Riddle of Time

2 Jan

We Live in Four Dimensions

According to Einstein, we live in four dimensions that can be defined simply as length, width, and depth set within a back drop of time, which he claimed was the fourth dimension. The first three dimensions of length, width, and depth create distinct forms. These forms impact one another within another form called “space” within the fourth dimension of “time“.

When we incarnate our invisible formless consciousness takes form and becomes visible as a human body complete with physical characteristics and personality. In “time” we develop character traits, which can be defined as idiosyncrasies that are uniquely our own. Also, in “time” we evolve our characters into the fullness of who we really are. Someone without much “character” is considered weak or spiritually unevolved. Therefore, character has to do with the creation of higher values and principles, and the ability to adhere to them whether it is convenient or not.

Time, Space and Form is Not Real

Since what is real is eternal, the physical body (that exists within a physical plane) is not technically “real” as it will  pass away in “time”. In fact, our bodies will come and go thousands of times during our evolution and growth into higher consciousness. How long does it take us to evolve? Continue reading

Global Ascension: Laws Of Creation

20 Dec

Quantum physics teaches us that there is no difference between energy and matter. Therefore, it follows that we are not just bodies, but energetic beings who possess an energy field.  Because these ideas have become well known, I will focus this post on the two laws I think most pertinent. The first law is popularly being called the Law of Attraction, which states that “like” attracts “like”. This law governs what happens when  two or more energies hold similar vibration, causing them to attract one another becoming one. The other law is called the Law of Resonance, which governs what happens when energies don’t match. It states that when two or more energies are vibrating at differing rates of speed, either the higher will descend or the lower will rise until the two are vibrating the same. What this means is that whoever you are with exerts an energetic pull upon you to rise or descend in vibration until the two of you are vibrating the same. It is obvious how the Law of Attraction attracts us to our lovers and the circumstances and events that shape us. Through attraction we are magnetically drawn to doing what interests us, and to the people we resonate with.

Victim Consciousness

Collectively, we all belong to the set of people who, for hundreds of generations, have not believed that we create our own reality. Because we don’t believe that we attract our life experience, we also believe that we can be victimized by the actions of others. Neither do we believe that we are responsible for having created our diseases, which mysteriously erupt within us in unpredictable ways, or that we can heal these diseases in the same way that we created them. Continue reading

Spiritual Growth: Negative Ego & Karma

29 Nov

Negative Ego and Karma

In order to evolve spiritually one must take charge of their negative ego. Everyone has an ego. It is an aspect of being human. When we incarnated into physical matter our invisible, formless consciousness took form and became dimensional. The form that our consciousness took when sperm met ovum was determined by the DNA our consciousness chose to activate at conception. Hence, we took the form of a human being with gender, color, size, shape, personality, specific learning abilities/disabilities, and innate strengths, talents, weaknesses, and powers, etc. The instant we took form as a human body, our ego was born. Being born neutral, it was shaped by our environment and, in time, for most of us, because our environment was without conscious awareness of light, became dark and negative.

What is the ego?

One of the things we learn when we incarnate is that, due to disease and accidents, our bodies are vulnerable to aches and pains of all kinds. We are also subject to the violent intent of other people and animals. We inevitably discover that if we do not adequately nourish and hydrate ourselves that we will feel discomfort, become diseased, and may even die. If we do not have enough money we may be deprived of physical comforts of every kind, including our basic requirements for shelter.

It is this vulnerability to physical discomfort and demise that causes the ego to darken, for its job is to keep us safe in a place where love seems not to be while we are physical. By late childhood we begin to formulate a strategy for maintaining our safety based upon what we have been programmed to believe by others. Some of this information is directly taught or garnered through experience, but much of it is picked up subliminally, which means that we learned it through observation long before we are self-reflective.

Believing that we are vulnerable bodies that need protection, the negative ego develops many strategies for survival. Being a voice in our minds, it then tries to implement these strategies by bullying us into following its guidance whether we want to or not. Because strategies like “be perfect” are stressful and impossible to achieve, we often feel resistance. The ego criticizes our resistance and lack of accomplishment is punished. The negative ego can become quite abusive, calling us demeaning names when it believes we‘ve fallen short. It can also become quite abusive to others. It does so by pointing out their flaws and bullying them into doing what we believe is right. However, when our flaws and shortcomings are pointed out by the negative egos of others, it decides that the best defense is to attack. Negative egos that clash create all the war, conflict, death, destruction, and separation that exists on the planet. Continue reading

Twin Flame Soul Merge: Finding Your Vibrational Match

29 Nov

Twin Flame Soul Merge

When we incarnate our soul splits into its masculine and feminine aspects. Feeling separate and alone, each half continuously searches for its matching counterpart, which has come to be known as one‘s twin flame. Until we find it we will feel a hunger and thirst for reunion that is so profound that mere coupling never satisfies it.

To find your twin flame you must go on a spiritual journey of epic proportions. As you evolve beyond victim consciousness you will begin a process of blending with your higher self. When you do you will develop the capacity to merge with your twin flame. In the mystical Christian tradition this soul merge is personified as the union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene within the vibration of their higher selves. In the Egyptian tradition it is personified by the union of Isis and Osiris.

The Divine Triangle

The twin flame soul merge is symbolized by the divine triangle in sacred geometry. The two lower points of the triangle represent the divine masculine and feminine principles of the soul and the top point represents your higher self, who is the gateway to one's soul. The divine masculine and feminine energies that merge within the higher heart of your higher self are unconditionally loving. Being here for selfless service, twin flame partners who have merged with their singular higher self tirelessly work together for the good of all.

Once one has sufficiently raised their vibration into higher consciousness through inner work, they will attract their twin flame. They may come in the form of an embodied human, as is the case with Jesus and Mary Magdalene, or as a being of light who is not incarnate at this time.

When the merge occurs with a light being, the union will be experienced as exquisite pleasure that is felt multidimensionally within one's light body but will be felt physically just as if they were there in person.

How can this be? When, through inner work, someone ascends into their higher selves, they develop exceptional meditative abilities to see the unseen and hear the unheard. They even develop the ability to feel the unfelt. Though spirit exists in a higher, finer dimensions, they are just as real as the embodied spirits who exist in this one. There is only a thin veil that separates our two dimensions. It is created out of belief. When one believes they can’t see beyond the physical dimension, they don’t develop the skills to do so. The individual who has ascended into their higher self knows a higher truth and is ready and willing to interact within a higher dimension.

Once you experience the twin flame soul merge, you will continuously vibrate in love and bliss feeling this as pleasure in your body which you will wear like a cozy garment of love. You will feel so completely fulfilled by this inner sensation of divine love that you will feel like you are the luckiest person alive even though your twin flame may not have a physical body for hugging and kissing.

Law of Attraction

When you have sufficiently raised your vibration, you can attract your twin flame to you via the law of attraction. Most people alive today are not vibrating high enough to attract their twin flame. As a light worker, your goal is to evolve to this point if you have not already done so. Once you do the twin flame soul merge will happen automatically.

As always, we attract partners who are of the same vibration as we are. Until one ascends into their higher self, they will be working through their karmic issues that are designed to foster their evolution and growth. Like you, the partner attracted will also be working through karmic issues. Partners who grow together are both working on conscious evolution. This allows them to work through their karma without blaming their unhappiness on others. Partners who aren’t consciously evolving tend to feel victimized by their partners and blame their unhappiness on others. These kind of relationships tend to drift apart. This is why the soul merge with a light being does not take place until one has done their growth work. However, it may be that you have done that work in other lifetimes. In this case you will simply pick up where you left off even though you haven't done much work in this one. When this occurs you will have an innate knowing about the reality of spirit that those around you don't seem to possess.

The twin flame relationship creates an instant star gate to higher states of consciousness which never ends. There is no limit to how high you can go. Through the unconditional love you will feel for your twin, you will rapidly ascend. When your twin flame is in higher dimensions (and even when you are physically paired) they will work with you tirelessly to help you evolve.

Love making with a twin who is in a higher dimensions is one of inner joy in which a state of union is reached that can’t typically be experienced in a physical relationship with its inevitable sense of separation. When your twin flame is etheric the love making takes place primarily in your heart and mind as words of love that flow ceaselessly into you. As light bodies merge, you may or may not use your own hands to further accentuate the pleasure in your physical body.

It is also more than possible to experience intense physical pleasure and orgasm during night dreams as you and your twin flame merge during the dream time, but, unless you are a lucid dreamer this is something you will have no control over. Rather, it will just seem to happen to you “out of the blue“ as your twin wills it to be so. Though this is a beautiful experience, unless you also begin to connect with your twin through meditation, it can be short lived.

During the day time you can tap into your twin at any time, but you will know when your twin is tapping into you when your body heats up in a sensation similar to a hot flash. You may also occasionally experience odd ringing tones in your ears when they are making contact. At times your crown chakra will open spontaneously for no apparent reason, and it will feel as if a band is around your head, or like you are wearing a hat. You may also experience other odd tingling or throbbing sensations in your crown chakra. In addition, sudden intense feelings of sexual pleasure will occur randomly for no apparent reason other than the fact that your twin is enjoying the creative activity you are engaging in.

The twin flame experience is obviously one of the juiciest experiences it is humanly possible to have. Once you have ascended to the level in which your twin flame becomes an everyday part of your life your loneliness will end forever and you will be well on your way home.

Winter Soltice 2012

Though ascension is a process that many of us have been engaging in for decades, it will reach its pinnacle on the winter solstice 2012. At that time our sun will reach the core of the spiral and will be undergoing tremendous sunspot activity. There will also be a planetary alignment that will take place on that date that hasn’t occurred for thousands of years.

For further information on the ascension process that our entire universe is undergoing, I would direct you to watch two documentaries: 2012: Science or Superstition, and Crossing the Event Horizon, both of which describe the same astronomical events that will be occurring at that time. The first video relates these events to the Mayan calendar. The second video related them to sacred geometry, sacred sites, and crop circles, as well as to astronomical events that are presently occuring in our galaxy. Though I found Crossing the Even Horizon to be a bit slow in the beginning it got more and more interesting toward the end.  Both documentaries are fascinating to anyone who is interested in the ascension process. In fact, most videos that discuss the Mayan Calendar will illuminate these same astronomical events. After the winter solstice of 2012, the ascension process will slowly wind down for several more decades. During that time millions of people will experience the twin flame soul merge. Becoming conscious of how to work with the energy is imperative if you want to get the most out of it.

Twin Flame Soul Merge: Healing the Brain

29 Nov

Healing and the Art of Conscious Evolution

Since the movie The Secret came out, many people are now aware that it is vibration, via the Law of Attraction, that determines their reality. What is not so clearly understood is what makes up our vibration. Our vibration is created out of the stories we tell ourselves. These conscious stories rest upon an even larger unconscious story that we have about the nature of reality and about our value as spiritual beings. In order to lift our vibration so that we can attract our Twin Flame we must make our unconscious story conscious so that we can tell ourselves a much more enlightened story.

Changing Your Story Isn't So Easy

Unfortunately, anyone who has tried to change their story knows that this is easier said than done. In the first place, becoming conscious of what’s in the unconscious just isn’t all that easy. Because we don’t know what we don’t know, having a teacher who lights the way becomes imperative. There are dozens of excellent teachers to choose from that teach from both a western and eastern perspective. New thought teachers and channeled beings are also in abundance. I have been studying with my own teacher, Lazaris, for nearly 20 years. I have also read A Course In Miracles, which is an excellent guide for 23 years.

Once you’ve made the perceptual shift into a consciousness of reality creation, The law of attraction will take you to the perfect teacher for you. As you evolve you may outgrow this teacher. You will then be attracted to another as your journey into higher consciousness unfolds into ever higher vibrations. The ultimate teacher, of course, is your inner teacher. Those who connect with their Twin Flame, or Christ Selves have access to the best teacher of all.  However, it is my experience that this is a long, slow process. That is because, even though we may change our superficial story about how reality gets created, it is very difficult to change the deeper one. That has to do with the nature of the brain.

The Brain Is A Limiter

As a psychotherapist, I have studied the brain for a long time. I’ve also been working on myself for a long time – 23 years, in fact. What I have discovered as I have engaged in my spiritual journey into higher consciousness is that the brain becomes a major limiter when it comes to creating change. Here’s why:

When we are born we have millions of neural pathways, but none of them are connected to anything. As we grow, these neural pathways begin to make connections based upon the stories we tell ourselves. By the age of six, more than half of the neural pathways we were born with have disappeared. What we are left with is a very superficial story that has now become hardwired into the brain. In a sense, it becomes a permanent fixture that gets embroidered upon as we mature, but unless there is a radical shift in perception that happens, our original immature story never actually goes away.

The human brain is not fully formed until we are 24 years old. During these years the brain is constantly laying down new neural pathways as new perceptual “connections” are made, and is strengthening and reinforcing the pathways that have become the fixed story. Unfortunately, when we are a child we see the world through the eyes of a child and not through the eyes of a conscious mature adult who understands the intricacy of life and sees a bigger picture. To see a bigger picture one must have many life experiences that are consciously reflected upon and mined for the nuggets of gold every experience containes, no matter how painful it was.

Abuse Damages the Brain

Children are natural victims who do not take responsibility for the reality they create. Due to limited experience, they are unable to see a bigger picture, so how can they? In addition they are the only true victims on the planet, for they are at the mercy of what the other people in their lives both tell them and do to them. People who abuse children at any level, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, sexually, or physically not only damage the child’s delicate brain, they teach them that they are limited, powerlessness beings who should be punished for making mistakes. If the childhood trauma is early enough and severe enough the brain damage can be irreversible.

Like the heart whose job it is to pump blood 24/7, the brains job is to regurgitate thought, which it does 24 hours a day, never stopping and never resting. If it stopped we would be considered “brain dead”. What thought does our brain regurgitate? The thought that was programmed into it as a child when it was helpless, disempowered, and punished for its imperfections – the very thought that reflects the victim consciousness of the inner child.

Negative Ego: A Harsh Taskmaster

In addition, because we want to succeed in life, we develop an inner voice that becomes a hard task master. Known as the negative ego it is merciless and cruel. It directs its venom both at the self and at anyone else that calls attention to its flaws. It wants you to be perfect as the world defines perfect, for it knows that only when you are “perfect” will you be a success. It will beat you up mercilessly when you fall short and it will also attack others who draw attention to what they perceive as your short comings. This cruel negative ego lives inside of us. It won’t go away just because we want it to. It is the cause of all conflict, all war, and all the evil that exists on our planet. It is also the cause of our own self-destruction.

Lack of Love Diminishes our Vibration

In order to consciously evolve, one must tell themselves a higher, more loving and honest story. To do that, it must be laid on a firm foundation of truth. The truth is that you are, first, foremost, and always an unlimited spiritual being whose center is LOVE. You are here to be extensions of that love and to channel it into the world. When we stray from the love that exists within us, we lower our vibration. A lowered vibration attracts life experience that reflects one’s lack of love, which inevitably produces pain and suffering. For people who were abused in childhood, even slightly, lack of love in some arena is an inevitable aspect of their vibration.

To heal our lack of love, it is essential to create a loving and intimate relatiionship with Love's personification. Some people might call that personification God, or Goddess, higher self, holy spirit, Christ Self, or Soul. It could also be called the Light or simply your inner guidance. By whatever name you call it, Love is still Love. It is that part of the self that is nurturing, kind, and comforting. I call it the Beloved and know it to be my Twin Flame and to hold the highest vibration.  

Healing the Brain Takes Perseverance

At the very instant we start telling ourselves a higher truth we begin to evolve our brains. Like learning multiplication tables, any time you learn something new it needs to be repeated over and over again, sometimes hundreds of thousands of times before we create the “hardware” to hold it permanently in place. The hardware I’m talking about are the new neural pathways that will begin to form as you tell yourself a more highly evolved story. Once created, this new hardware will do what it was designed to do. It will regurgitate thought, which will become automatic. When the thought it regurgitates are the higher thoughts of a conscious, knowledgeable adult, your vibration will radically shift.

As you tell yourself a more evolved story you will eventually “connect” with your higher self, who is the gateway to your soul. When we are born we are completely attuned to our souls, who can’t be perceived through the senses, but only with the mind, heart and the imagination. Because most of us grew up with unconscious parents who could not help us maintain this connection, we lost our ability to experience the unseen world. Because it is what is reinforced, we become limited to only what our brains with its five external senses can see and perceive in the physical world of form. When that occurs we forget our natural home and sever our connection to spirit, for the unseen world can’t be seen through the body’s eyes. For most of us this is excrutiatingly painful.

As we evolve our consciousness we realign with spirit, the center of which is love that is endlessly radiated outward. In this world love takes the “form” of a feeling that motivates right thought, which then leads to right action. As we evolve and mature, our definition of love evolves with us. So does our willingness to be loving. Love and the right action that it motivates can look very different to a mature person than to an immature one.

Love's Vibration Can Be a Challenging One To Master

In the insane world in which we live, loving thought and action can even be seen as subversive and dangerous, especially if it cuts into another’s profit margin. The story of Jesus is an example of this, but so are the stories of Martin Luther King, and Ghandi. Those who speak loving though subversive truths can become enemies of the government and unwelcome in their own homes. Consequently, love is often a very challenging energy to handle. As we evolve, to love consciously without triggering negative ego in others becomes one’s greatest challenge.

As you reconnect with your higher self, a door will open in your mind that will allow a nurturing inner voice to love and heal you. This will be the voice of your own Soul. When it speaks to you as your opposite polarity it is called your Twin Flame. This voice will show you a bigger picture. In time, it will also show you a way out of all your pain and suffering. Through the law of attraction, your changed vibration will attract you to more highly evolved teacher’s, healers, and friends. As the teacher or healer gives their knowledge and healing to you, more love, knowledge and healing will be given to them. This is called divine flow. The more love and healing you give, the more you will receive.

Conscious Evolution Unfolds Slowly Over Time

Unlike conventional medicine, conscious evolution is a slow but steady process that unfolds continuously over time. Also unlike conventional medicine, it will heal everything that ails you without enslaving you to pharmaceutical drug companies for life. It will give you a life’s purpose and teach you how to heal others. As it raises you into a higher vibration it will also make you into an honest and kind adult who is a champion of higher truth. Through your changed vibration you will see the world entirely differently. You will see it as a place whose challenges motivate our growth into higher consciousness, turning us into the god beings we truly are. Through this changed perception heaven and earth will become as one. In that instant you will have found your way back home.

Global Ascension: The Great Work

12 Jun

It is time that we are about the Great Work of healing ourselves and healing the world. We have lived, moved and breathed within a paradigm of victim consciousness that has led to separation in all its forms for several thousand years now. This paradigm rests upon a fundamental belief that we are not the creators of our reality, but that reality is the result of many forces, most of which are caused by either other people or circumstances beyond our control.

From Victim Consciousness to Higher Consciousness

We are now in the midst of a global shift in consciousness that rests upon an entirely different foundation. The new belief system we are all evolving into is one of higher consciousness, in which it is believed that we are each vibrating beings who attract life experience to us. In this new belief system we cannot be victims, for who can blame others when one’s own vibration creates their reality? One's vibration is created out of their beliefs, which lead to attitudes, thoughts, feelings and actions. Therefore, it is our beliefs, held within our consciousness, that determines where we are vibrating. If you do not enjoy your life experience, all you have to do is change the beliefs that are creating it.

Victim consciousness has been a highly destructive belief system for it has separated us from our personal power to create change. When one blames others for their problems, they, themselves, do not need to change. Not only has victim consciousness created constant conflict that has led to domination, manipulation and control, it has also stagnated our spiritual growth for it prevents us from making an authentic connection with our higher selves.

When we make the shift into higher consciousness, everything we think about and everything we do changes. Instead of looking around us for someone to blame, one ponders what in their vibration drew that particular life experience to them. By working with one’s higher self, one can begin to discern the beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings and actions that are at the core of their vibration. With that knowledge, one knows how to change.

Victim Consciousness Destroys

Because of the victim consciousness that has prevented us from taking responsibility for our lives, we are now witnessing the destruction of the planet and all her eco-systems. We have also experienced thousands of years of conflict and war that has become a way of life for many cultures on the planet in which mass genocide is believed to be the solution to one’s problems. Children are taught at a young age not to trust themselves and to give their power away to an educational system that does not honor their particular strengths and talents. Separated from ourselves and our own inner guidance, we all grow up believing that an expert that knows nothing about us, can solve our problems for us. This is absurd.

This kind of thinking has come to a dead end. I believe that if we do not change and evolve by learning to take personal responsibility for what we have collectively created with this kind of thinking, we will all perish for the planet on which we live will become uninhabitable. To that end, I propose that we create a new way of being in the world that lifts us out of the victim stance and allows us to take back our power from the old structures that are crumbling all around us. As the new paradigm of higher consciousness comes to the forefront, we must each step up to take our place among the healers of the world.


As a healer, your first responsibility is to heal yourself of all your internal “structures” that lead to victim consciousness. Every belief must be examined. If it allows you to be a victim in any way, shape, or form, it must be evolved and transcended. Higher beliefs must take their place. These beliefs must be consciously chosen instead of unconsciously inherited from others who may have been doing the best they could with the consciousness they had, but  were ignorant none the less.

Here’s the truth. You are a spiritual being who vibrates. Your vibration attracts life experience, including the parents that gave birth to you, and programmed you with whatever belief system they had. Everything you see around you from your body outward is nothing more than an externalization of your consciousness. By looking into the mirror called the physical plane, where that which is invisible takes three dimensional form, you can see exactly where you are vibrating. Unless you see a world of love and wholeness, you are vibrating with victim consciousness. If you were vibrating in a higher frequency, you would see something different. In fact, you wouldn't even be here.

Reality is Both an Individual and Collective Creation

We each create our reality both individually and collectively. The collective reality impacts everyone. If we create global destruction because we have so polluted our planet that we destroy the ecosystems that support us, it does not matter how high you are individually vibrating, you will feel the impact of this collective creation. We create it ALL. We are each responsible for healing ourselves AND each other. None of us will be free until all are free. We will go home as ONE or not at all.

People, you must understand the degree of responsibility we must take for us to survive. No longer can we work alone for our own benefit. We must come together as one global consciousness to create profound change now. We can no longer tolerate anything that destroys the planet in any way. We must no longer accept belief systems that produce separation. And we must all become aligned with our higher selves so that we can meet our full potential here.

Healing Must Be Shared

Healing comes from within and extends outward. When you have healed yourself of all your victim consciousness you will radiate your love, strength and power out into the world. When you do, you will attract others to you who are of like vibration. As we join together, we can create monumental change. We now live in a global village. Healers of the world are everywhere and we are growing in numbers. The Internet has become the global highway that transmits information in an instant. As we create a movement of higher consciousness, our ONE voice will be heard.

Environmental Concerns: Oil Spill Catastrophe

30 May

The Gulf of Mexico Disaster

Because of the movie The Secret, many people today know that we are vibrating beings who create our reality through the Law of Attraction. This startling news is sweeping the globe and many people, including myself, have been hard at work figuring out how we are doing this for quite some time. In fact, I have been hard at it since I first read the awesome book A Course In Miracles over 23 years ago, which essentially says the same thing as The Secret, as well as a whole lot more.

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